Dining Website Redesign
This project included myself advising a campus partner on best practices on website layout, design, and strategy for their website. It had been 5 years since a major redesign. It was redesigned in the summer of 2024 using Drupal CMS and moved to SiteNow v3 in order to ensure web brand standards across the University of Iowa. I worked with one task force team member to provide various page mockups and ideas on how content could be laid out and showcase how visual consistency could be used throughout pages on this website. This involved a discussion with the campus partner (not a site redesign) and a mockup of ten different pages that were laid out by myself as alternatives to the current design for the team to view. These alternatives include a homepage, nutrition, market places, dining locations, special diets, and contact pages. I was responsible for creating page designs and mockups, writing new copy and taglines for all mockups, and selecting images for each page.
It’s worth mentioning that this web property, along with its companion site, housing.uiowa.edu, has a significant presence on Iowa’s campus, with this website averaging around 25,000 visits per month.
The gallery below displays the current pages alongside an improved mockup version for comparison. Ultimately, the website owner decided to incorporate all of these mockups into their site.
Please note: Site content and ownership is now being managed and updated by another team. The site below was launched in fall 2024.